Wrongful Death


When a person dies due to a wrongful act, neglect or misconduct caused by others, certain surviving members of the victim's family may bring a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court. Under Arizona law, a wrongful death suit may be brought if the deceased person could have filed a personal injury case based on the negligent or wrongful conduct that caused their death. As the deceased person is no longer able to bring the case on their own behalf, surviving spouses, children and parents may seek recompense through a wrongful death claim.

Our firm has handled numerous wrongful death cases in Arizona, accruing extensive expertise in pursuing all available forms of compensation allowed under Arizona law, from hospitals, physicians and medical staff, and insurance policies, for loss of a loved one due to failing to provide proper and appropriate treatment for medically related issues.

Appropriate damages may include but are not limited to the loss of love, affection, companionship, care, protection, and guidance due to the death of the decedent, from the decedent's passing and into the future. Surviving family members may be entitled to damages for their own pain and suffering caused by the death of the decedent, as well as income or services already lost, or reasonable future losses as a result of the death, the reasonable expenses of funeral and burial, and of necessary medical care and services for the injuries that resulted in death.

Call Kinerk Law Office at 520-333-3393 to set up a consultation on your potential wrongful death claim.

Kinerk Law Office Is Your Preeminent Tucson Law Firm

We are here for you, to listen, advise and consult with you on your legal issues, to help you navigate the legal system, and to zealously represent your side. Our law firm focuses on your legal rights associated with the Serious Personal Injury and Property loss issues that can impact your daily life. We have pursued multiple Medical Malpractice cases which have led to Serious Personal Injury and Wrongful Death claims. We have been involved in Aviation Crash Claim cases, as well as other types of Complex Multi-Party Litigations that include pharmaceuticals, product liability and flood damages. We also have the experience of advising and representing high-profile professional athletes and coaches in our Sports Management agency. Don't Chance Settling For Less When You Can Hire The Best!

Contact Us Today

Kinerk Law Office is committed to answering your questions about Serious Injury, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Death, Aviation Crash Claims, Complex Multi-Party Litigation and Sports Management issues in Tucson and Southern Arizona.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
